Dear friends of Miriam's Table,
We miss seeing our Dining Out friends! It has been a time of uncertainty about both our health and well-being around the world. We do hope that you are safe and well. During this time of health concerns, we are grateful to share that the children of Miriam's Table have remained safe and healthy. Our staff has continued to serve our children with precautionary measures. This daily meal has given our children stamina that even their teachers have commented about. Our director reported that the teachers say that when the children come to school with full bellies, they can concentrate and learn more.
Our fresh water well is providing the community with water that is safe to drink, safe for food preparation and furnish clean bathing water. Typhoid fever, the leading water-borne disease, is no longer a threat.
We look ahead with grateful hearts with support like yours that allows this ministry to grow. We opened our doors in October of 2014 to just 65 children. In a matter of just two weeks, 250 children were coming through the doors. Today, 350 children come regularly to be fed, be checked weekly by a nutritionist, and have monthly growth checks.
We do not know what God has planned for our future, but we know He has continued to open doors to expand this ministry the past five years. We await with hearts wide open!
Thank you for embracing our ministry!
Ed, Susie, and Miriam